Sunday, March 25, 2007

Day One

Thanks to a delayed flight which messed up my connection flight I arrived here a day late. One day lost...never to be found again. But I made up for it my first night here.

House party + nightlub = stumbling in the house at 4:30am.

Meghan and I walked to town today along the beach, with our feet in the sea and our flip-flops in our hands. It's about a 30 minute walk from our villa (which by the way is a different place than last time I was here.) When we were in town I bought 2 mangos. It cost 24 pesos for both of them. They are huge mangoes by the way, and 24 pesos is less than one dollar. I was stunned. Mangoes weren't in season last time I was here, but I'm sure glad they are now!

But the best part of the day today was when we were on the beach hanging out with some friends. A little boy came up to Meghan and I and he had a beer bottle in his hand. It was full of sea water, and he proceeded to use this water to rinse off our flip-flops. He became so intent on cleaning our shoes that he actually carried them into the sea and scrubbed them.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Glad to see you made it! Nice pic!
Love ya! Miss ya!